Judy Brady’s article “I Want a Wife” is a feminist article that hits of the topic of gender roles set in place by society. I admire that fact that Brady was blunt in her article in describing what was expected in the daily duties of a wife. The wife’s job was to appease the partner- taking care of children and house, as well as emotionally and sexually. Who would blame Brady for wanting a wife? Women were held to high standards in completing their tasks and if they were inefficient then their job could be put on the line with another woman as replacement. This essay is effective as a part of a feminist magazine which was marketed to women to let other women know that they were not alone in their struggles as a housewife.
Brady speaks of what all women were thinking, but afraid to say that the duties placed on women were overwhelming and ridiculous for one person to take on for the sole benefit of another. Brady uses this article to push for social progress toward equality within the home. Although this was her ideal, support from men was difficult to gain through the manner in which she portrays them in her essay. They were described to be humans that go to work then go home to study and nothing else which may have riled the men stating that they do much more than that especially being the ones to bring in the paycheck.
Medea is similar to the wife talked of this essay. Medea tries to be the wife that Jason wanted to take care of the children and himself. She was found to be inefficient and thrown aside for a newer, royal model that could bring him many more benefits than Medea. Medea would relate to Brady as she has the strength and ambition to be an independent woman. She although channels this power into killing her children and Jason’s wife. Medea was a victim of Jason’s mistreatment as he tried to manipulate Medea and the truth to show that he was in the right and that his new wife would be beneficial to Medea and her children. Women are held to a double standard as they must be loyal to their husbands, but husbands like Jason are able to sleep around without any repercussions. Medea id a victim of society as the wife Brady speaks of as they were taken for granted and used from what they were worth until something better came along.
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